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ARD Program – Delaware County, PA

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Delaware County Pennsylvania ARD Program

For first time DUI offenders, and some first time drug offenders, the ARD Program may offer a better alternative.  

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The ARD Program (Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition) in Delaware County, PA is a “first time offender” program, or a diversionary program, that could suspend your DUI or drug charges.

Not everyone who is eligible to apply is accepted into the program.

If you were charged with DUI, DUI of a Controlled Substance, DUI Over .16% BAC, Underage DUI, or a Simple Possession Drug, you may be eligible to apply to the Delaware County ARD Program.

An Arrest is Not a Conviction.

Oftentimes the ARD Program is a program that can help you get your charges reduced, keep your driver’s license and not have a criminal record, once you request an expungement.

In Delaware County PA, you need to first retain an attorney before you can begin the application process.

If you were charged with DUI and/or are facing drug charges in Delaware County, DUI Attorney Wana Saadzoi can help. She has fought and won many DUI cases in court and can fight to have your charges reduced or withdrawn.

If the ARD Program is not an option for you, there are other alternatives to fighting DUI charges.

Learn more about the Court Process in Delaware County, PA. 

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Benefits of the ARD Program in Delaware County Pennsylvania

The ARD program in Delaware County, PA can help you avoid jail time and a criminal conviction. It may also help you keep your driver’s license or reduce the suspension time.

For this to happen, court-ordered conditions would need to be met, such as counseling, drug and alcohol treatment program, community service and restitution. Similar to a probationary program, the ARD program requires a period of supervision.

In addition, acceptance into the ARD program means avoiding costly and time-consuming legal proceedings, court dates and hearings that people entering the criminal justice system must endure.

Applying to the ARD Program in Delaware County, PA

The following requirements must be met in order to apply to the ARD Program:

  • You must have an attorney;
  • You must waive arraignment;
  • You must be fingerprinted;
  • You must be prepared to pay the costs of the Program on the day of your official entry into the ARD Program

In Pennsylvania, admission into ARD is controlled by the District Attorney, who has broad discretion as to whom to allow into the program.

Your attorney can assist you in the process of admission into the ARD program, but should caution you that there are no guarantees of admission.

Visit the website of the Delaware County Office of the District Attorney, for more information.

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Delaware County ARD Program Requirements

Acceptance into the ARD program is only the first step. All of the requirements of the program must be met or else you will be right back where you started.

Requirements may include drug and alcohol treatment, counseling, community service, restitution, and paying all fees and costs of the ARD program. The ARD Program is a probationary program.

Once placed on ARD, the official probationary period will begin, which could last up to two years, but typically is between six to twelve months.

DUI and the ARD Program in Delaware County, PA

For DUI Applicants, the requirements go by the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Tier at the time of the arrest:

  • TIER I: BAC 0.08%–0.99%: 6 months probation, 16 hours Community Service, no license suspension
  • TIER II: BAC 0.10%–0.159%: 12 months probation, 24 hours Community Service, 30-day license suspension
  • TIER III: BAC 0.16% or higher, drugs, an accident with bodily injury or refusal: 12 months probation, 32 hours Community Service, 60-day license suspension
  • MINOR (UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE AT THE TIME OF THE OFFENSE): 12 months probation, 24 hours Community Service, 90 days license suspension

*Additional Community Service hours may be required depending on particular facts of each case.

After Successful Completion of the ARD Program

Once the ARD program is completed successfully, the original criminal charges are dismissed, and the offender may (30 days after completion of the program) request the court to expunge the offender’s arrest record and ARD participation.

An Attorney can help you request expungement and have the charges removed from your public file.

You will not be “convicted” of a crime if you enter the ARD program. Furthermore, the loss of your license to drive privileges will be for a short period of time, rather than the full year for a first time DUI conviction.

Different counties have different stipulations and different application processes. Contact an experienced DUI lawyer in PA to help you better understand the process.

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Disadvantages of the ARD Program

One disadvantage is that ARD is not a “get out of jail free” card. While acceptance into the ARD program is not a “conviction” – it will count against you as a conviction if you are ever arrested and convicted for a crime down the road.

For instance, your second DUI will be considered a second DUI, and you will face penalties for a second DUI, not a first DUI. Your sentence will be harsher, because the court will take into account your prior “conviction” under the ARD program.

A second disadvantage is that there are many requirements, and if any of these conditions are violated, the District Attorney can file a motion with the court seeking to remove you from the ARD program. If that happens, the underlying DUI prosecution can be reinstated and the case will proceed in criminal court.

ARD Lawyer in Delaware County Pennsylvania
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How Can Attorney Saadzoi Help?

We work with our clients and listen to all the details of their case to better understand how we can fight the charges for them – either to press for them to be dismissed completely or push to get your charges significantly reduced.

Attorney Saadzoi has years of experience successfully helping clients get their DUI charges reduced, dismissed and resolved.

At Saadzoi Law, we review the details of your DUI arrest and police reports. We will determine if the stop was unlawful and if you were in control of the vehicle. If not, or if there are any other circumstances permitting, we will file motions to gain leverage over the prosecution.

Attorney Saadzoi will do everything possible to get your charges reduced or dismissed altogether. 

Contact my office today for a Free Legal Case Evaluation. We provide legal services in Delaware County PA, Chester County, PA and Montgomery County PA.

Call 610-566-5956 to schedule a free consultation.

We accept credit cards, and Spanish translation services are available.

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