Information on the Penalties for a DUI Conviction in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania has some of the worst penalties for a DUI Conviction in the United States. Losing a license for an entire year is terrible, but if you are convicted of a DUI, you also face jail time, heavy fines, and a criminal record for the rest of your life.
In addition to immediate penalties you face, there are also lasting consequences to a DUI conviction that negatively impact your future for many years to come.
Pennsylvania breaks down penalties for convictions in tiers based on your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Level at the time of the arrest. The punishments for each are detailed below.
Please note that the punishments and penalties are only if you are convicted. Many people fight and win DUI cases in court. Even if your DUI case can not be dismissed, it is possible to have your charges reduced or to be accepted into alternative programs, like the PA ARD Program.
An Arrest is Not a Conviction
If you’ve been charged with DUI in Pennsylvania, your first step should be to discuss your charges with an experienced and aggressive Pennsylvania DUI lawyer.
Attorney Saadzoi offers Free Legal Case Evaluations for anyone charged with DUI. Call today.
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Tier 1: General Impairment (BAC .08 – .099)
- 1st Offense DUI: A misdemeanor, six months probation, and a $300 fine;
- 2nd Offense DUI: A misdemeanor, five days to six months in jail, a $300 -$2500 fine, and a one-year license suspension;
- 3rd Offense DUI: 2nd-degree misdemeanor, ten days to two years in prison, a $500 -$5,000 fine, and a one-year license suspension.
Tier 2. High Rate (BAC .10 – .159)
- 1st Offense DUI: A misdemeanor, 48 hours to six months jail, a $500 – $5,000 fine, and a one-year license suspension;
- 2nd Offense DUI: A misdemeanor, 30 days – six months jail, a $750 – $5,000 fine, and a one-year license suspension;
- 3rd Offense DUI: A 1st-degree misdemeanor, 90 days – five years in prison, a $1,500 – $10,000 fine, and an 18-month license suspension;
- 4th Offense DUI: A 1st-degree misdemeanor, One year to five years in prison, a $1,500 – $10,000 fine, and an 18-month license suspension.
Tier 3. Highest Rate (BAC .16 +); Controlled Substance (Drug DUI) ; Refusal of Chemical Test
- 1st Offense DUI: A misdemeanor, 72 hours – six months jail, a $1,000 – $5,000 fine; a one-year license suspension;
- 2nd Offense DUI: A first-degree misdemeanor, 90 days – five years in prison a $1,500 – $10,000 fine, and an 18-month license suspension;
- 3rd Offense DUI: A felony 2 or 3 conviction, up to ten years in prison, up to $25,000 in fines, and an 18-month license suspension.
See the full Pennsylvania Penalties for DUI convictions.
Read more about refusal of blood or breath test.
Please note: If you have a Professional License or are a CDL Holder Facing a DUI in PA, you may face additional penalties and the BAC levels, tiers, and sentencing guidelines may be different.
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Get Information on DUI Laws in Pennsylvania:
- PA DUI Lawyer
- PA ARD Program
- Penalties for DUI in Pennsylvania
- Your Driver’s License and DUI
- First DUI in PA
- Second DUI in PA
- Third DUI in PA
- DUI Over .16
- DUI – Drugs
- DUI and Refusal
- DUI – Accidents with Injuries in PA
- Professional License DUI Defense in PA
- Expungement Process in Pennsylvania
- Chester County DUI Lawyer
- Delaware County DUI Lawyer
- Montgomery County DUI Lawyer